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MSI Properties for SEAL APW Service


ADMIN_ROUTE_ACCESS specifies the filter for hosts that are granted access to the admin routes.

Available values: string

  • <net_filter>

    Only hosts that match the filter are granted access.


    Access from remote systems is granted.

Default: localhost


AUTH_ADMIN_TYPE specifies the mode of the client authentication for the admin routes.

Available values: String

  • basic

    The service accepts any authentication. This is implemented by the Basic Auth authentication.

Default: none


AUTH_TYPE specifies the mode of the client authentication.

Available values: String

  • basic

    The service accepts any authentication. This is implemented by the Basic Auth authentication.

Default: none


CONFIGDIR specifies the default directory for configuration files. The name of the SEAL APW Service configuration file is apw-rest.yml.

Available values: string

  • <path_config_dir>

Default: C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config


DB_URL specifies the URL of the database server.

Available values: string

  • mongodb://<database_server:27017/apw-rest>

Default: mongodb://localhost:27017/apw-rest


This property is necessary, if the basic authentication is used.

HTPASSWD_ADMIN_FILE specifies the location of the password file for admin routes that contains the valid users.

The content of this file has to match the format of the Apache htpasswd file.

Available values: String

  • <htpasswd_path>

Default: ""


This property is necessary, if the basic authentication is used.

HTPASSWD_FILE specifies the location of the password file that contains the valid users.

The content of this file has to match to the format of the Apache htpasswd file.

Available values: String

  • <htpasswd_path>

Default: ""


INSTALLDIR specifies the directory of Node.js service.

Available values: string

  • <path>

Default: C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\apw-rest

Caution - not recommended

Changing the installation directory of Node.js service is not recommended.


LDAP_BASEDN specifies the base distinguished name of the LDAP search. The property is stored as baseDN in the ldapAuth section of the C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml configuration file.

Available values: string

  • DC=<windomain>,DC=local

Default: ""


LDAP_PASSWORD specifies the password used for the LDAP search. The property is stored as password in the ldapAuth section of the C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml configuration file.

Available values: string

  • <password>

Default: ""


LDAP_URL specifies the URL of the LDAP server and the transfer protocol. The property is stored as url in the ldapAuth section of the C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml configuration file.

Available values: string

  • ldap://<windomain.local>

Default: ""


LDAP_USERNAME specifies the user name used for the LDAP search. The property is stored as username in the ldapAuth section of the C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\apw-rest.yml configuration file.

Available values: string

  • <user_name>

Default: ""


LOG_LEVEL specifies the log level.

Availble values: String

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • fatal

Default: info


LOGDIR specifies the default directory for log files. The log files for PLOSSYS netdome are stored in the C:\seal\applications\data\log directory.

Available values: string

  • <path_log_dir>

Default:C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\log

Hint - Mongodb log files

The package seal-mongodb uses its own settings for the log directory.


NUM_WORKERS specifies the number of working processes that are allowed to run in parallel.

Available values: string

  • <number>

Default: Number of CPU cores divided by 2.


PORT specifies the port number used by SEAL APW REST service.

Available values: string

  • <port_number>

Default: 8085

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